Delivered portable monitoring system for AMADEO salvage project.
Wireless data transfer from causality to office container.

Complete FLOATOVER monitoring system for motions and environment.
System used for two floatover projects.

HEEREMA awarded TARKA-SYSTEMS the complete monitoring system on the largest barge of the world – H851.

Together with Xsens a data monitoring system for the Barge Master T700 and T40 was developed. The tailor made system was built with Xsens Motion Tracker sensors.
FLOATOVER projects in China
TARKA-SYSTEMS was selected by the China project team to deliver a complete monitoring system consisting of the following main components and activities:
- Motion monitoring
- 6DOF motion sensor
- DGPS with RTK base station
- IRIDIUM data link to webserver
- Environmental monitoring
- Wind
- Wave
- Current
- Tide (by wireless link)
- Software development
- Activities (see services)